
I'm really excited about becoming well. Thank-you so much for everything. Your feedback and support really makes me feel better emotionally and I am feeling so much more optimistic about my long term health. I look forward to my next appointment.
Keep up the good work - the response back from those who have seen you is always 'thank you SO MUCH for sending me there...' everyone loves the way they are treated by your staff.
—Dr. J. Bradley Krusky
Finding Dr. Stanleigh's website was a real stroke of luck for myself and my daughter. Thanks to him, a long-standing problem with one of my teeth has finally been diagnosed. He also found a way to fix a cosmetic problem, when other dentists had suggested years of orthodontics, that took only one hour! His office is filled with friendly, upbeat people and Dr. Stanleigh is dedicated to the art of improving people's lives through dentistry. It shows in his wonderful care and positive attitude. Thank-you Dr. Stanleigh.
I had been in severe pain for almost 18 months. I had pain in my sinuses, behind my left eye, and in my left ear. When someone coughed or a loud sound occured, my left ear sounded like a bomb went off. I also had pain in my left cheek. I was on all kinds of drugs and I missed lots of work. Then I came here. At first I wasn't sure anyone could help me because I had seen dentists, doctors, and neurologists - all of which did not help. This is the only place that 1) did not think I was crazy, 2) understood my signs and symptoms and 3) did something to help me. I had TENS here, a new orthotic and now I have physio. I am about 90% pain free,I am on NO drugs, at work every day and now I enjoy life again. Dr. Larry gave me back my life. I can't thank him enough. I also want to thank his wonderful staff for everything. I am forever grateful.
I would like to thank Dr. Stanleigh and his staff for all their help. I have suffered for two years with severe ear pain, decrease hearing, headaches and upset stomach. I was told by ear doctors that I had a medical condition that would cause me to go deaf after a couple of years. As a police officer, this news was devastating as it would change my career as I know it. I was referred to Dr. Stanleigh and after only a month of treatment my ears are pain free, my hearing has returned, I have few headaches and my stomach feel much better. I am thankful to have received such wonderful care and look forward to a long and healthy career. Thank-you all. You are wonderful.
Neuromuscular Orthotic! Stomatognathic Exam! How big is my Shimbashi? Hook me up to a Tensing unit?! What are they talking about?! Have you ever noticed that the further we advance our understanding of the human body, the simpler solutions become? Now we just need to learn how to use words with fewer syllables. One thing I have learned as a dental professional, parent, and patient, is to choose caregivers that are wise enough to accept those simple solutions. Once I understood that my nagging headaches, face, neck and shoulder pain were symptoms of muscles forced into undesirable positions, the treatment made simple sense. Allow the muscles to be comfortable, free from stress, at ease , and the discomfort will stop. And stop it did! I consider myself very fortunate, not only to benefit from this treatment myself, but also to help other patients find relief from their pain. Don't hesitate to give this treatment a try. The only thing you have to lose is your pain. Sincerely,
—Cheryl (Office Manager)
I wear a nightguard for clenching. My old guard tasted terrible, it cracked and broke and was not aesthetically pleasing. Dr. Stanleigh made me a new neuromuscular orthotic which I wear at night and the difference is amazing. My new appliance is made of a much more superior plastic, and no horrible taste in the morning! Also, a big bonus, my husband says that it has stopped my snoring! Thank-you Dr. Stanleigh