December 2012

In Summer 2011, my family decided to travel within Canada and we went to the beautiful Province of Quebec. Montreal, Quebec City and Charlesvoix, we drove through an amazing place with wonderful people, beautiful sights and fabulous food (oh, the cheese!).

While in Montreal, we saw this guy and his dog in a motorcycle and we had to snap a picture of him. Our designer artist and friend Edwin Herrenschmidt, a motorcycle afficionado, noticed a badge on the motorcycle which piqued his interest. Here is what he wrote:

"I saw the '59' badge on the bike, and it reminded me of the Cafe Racer culture from the Ace Cafe London, aka "Motorcyclist Mecca" in Britain.
Bingo! The 59 refers to that!...

So, I saturated the crap out of the parking lot image, to make it more pop-culture, and vibrant, added an Ace Cafe London patch in the background, and voilà.

Now, if there is any motorcycle aficionado amongst your clientèle, they will have a (bright) smile seeing this ad!"